Baby Dedication


WE ARE SO EXCITED TO PARTNER WITH YOU IN RAISING YOUR CHILD IN GOD’S WAYS! Just as Hannah dedicated her son to the Lord in 1 Samuel chapter 1, and as Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple during his infancy, parents bring their newborn before the congregation to publicly commit to “bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” – Ephesians 6:4.

Baby & Parent Dedication is a public declaration of the parent or parents before God and man acknowledging with gratitude that their child is a gift from God. It is a family time when parents publicly commit themselves to abide by biblical principles and raising their children according to God’s standards. Not only are you dedicating your child to God, but you are also dedicating yourselves as parents to God and the church.

The responsibilities God has entrusted to Christian parents include: discipleship of your child (Deuteronomy 6:4-7), continuously praying for their children (Job 1:5), instructing them in the way of the Lord (Proverbs 22:6), setting a Godly example (Proverbs 20:7), and disciplining them as the Lord would discipline us (Proverbs 29:15,17; 13:24). These responsibilities can only be fulfilled in Christ’s strength (Philippians 4:13).


Why should I dedicate my child?
The Bible provides an example for us in that Mary and Joseph took Jesus as a baby to the temple to be dedicated to God. As followers of Christ, we also should want to make the public declaration in front of our family and our church. (Luke 2:22)

Where in the Scripture does it say to dedicate your child?
Hannah dedicated her son Samuel to the Lord (1 Samuel 1:27, 28). Jesus was dedicated to the Lord as a baby (Luke 2:22) and baptized as an adult (Matthew 3:13-17).

What is the attire for Dedications?
We will have a photographer present so feel free to wear your “Sunday best.” Sheer materials on stage tend to become see-through due to the stage lighting. Solid colors usually photograph best.

What time should I arrive for our Baby & Parent Dedication service?
Please arrive 20 minutes before the service you will be participating in.

Will my picture be taken and where can I find it?
Following the service, we will have a photographer take pictures at the metal Gateway Fellowship “G” right outside the building near the Cafe. Please make sure to head over right after the service to make sure you get your photo taken.

What happens if I miss the orientation?
The orientation is mandatory in order to proceed with the Baby & Parent Dedication. You will learn additional information regarding Dedication, get to meet other families, and do a walkthrough of the dedication. If you are not able to make it to the orientation please email the Preschool Director, Shelley Carson, at

What if I am not married but I live with the child’s father/mother?
Baby & Parent Dedication is actually a promise (vow) made to raise your child in His ways. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” We believe we are to partner with parents to help disciple their kids and encourage them to take the right steps to align with the word of God. If there are any questions, we would love to set up a time to talk. Please contact Shelley Carson at

Can I dedicate my baby as a single parent?
Couples committed to Christ and married (a man and a woman) OR a single parent committed to Christ may participate in the baby dedication.
For any questions, please contact Shelley Carson at

What are additional resources for biblically raising your children?
Parent Cue App
Mark Batterson’s book “Praying Circles Around your Kids”
Bible App for Kids

Who will be dedicating my child?
Our Family Pastor is honored to be dedicating both you and your children to the Lord.

If you have any questions, please email

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May 05 2024


9:00 am - 2:00 pm